



Digital Key to Future Mobility

Door opens and registration

Work in Home Teams & String Board

In your home team with about 4 other participants, you will discuss the Key for Future Mobility. What are the challenges DATEX II faces? What is needed for further standardisation? How can we organise ourselves as a community? You will do this in different sessions during the User Forum. Your suggestions and insights will be captured by physically attaching strings on a giant data board. And all this will lead to the ‘Declaration of Bucharest’.  

Keynote and panel discussion

Work in Home Teams & String Board

In your home team with about 4 other participants, you will discuss the Key for Future Mobility. What are the challenges DATEX II faces? What is needed for further standardisation? How can we organise ourselves as a community? You will do this in different sessions during the User Forum. Your suggestions and insights will be captured by physically attaching strings on a giant data board. And all this will lead to the ‘Declaration of Bucharest’.  


Workshops round 1 (3 sessions)

DATEX@NAPs: Lessons Learned from Consuming DATEX II from NAPs Across Europe

Workshop leader: Jan Vlčinský

DATEX@NAPs is like an extensive travel journal documenting our journey across all EU countries and their NAPs.

Consumers will find links to NAPs, XML samples and schemas, audited protocols, and other technical resources. Providers will discover a rich set of hints and best practices, while their managers will receive a checklist and requirements to help their staff become even better data providers. DATEX@NAPs is a study conducted by TamTam Research s.r.o. (Czechia) and CERTH (Greece). more


Unlocking DATEX II - Shocked self-training for beginners

Workshop leaders: Renan Perrot
Nicolas Marcon will participate the session with Renan.

If you know little or nothing about DATEX II, come and learn for yourself under our supervision

and you will be ready for life. As Confucius probably said: “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. more


Coffee break

Workshops round 2 (3 sessions)

DATEX II: the strategic asset for your future mobility

Workshop leader: Bard de Vries

DATEX II is the reference data standard in the EU for road traffic and travel information. To harvest the benefits of

digitalization in your domain using DATEX II is a good first step, but engaging in the further development is an important follow up. Once you consider DATEX II as a strategic building block to achieve your policy aims with regard to traffic management, public space operations, EV-charging and parking operations, the full power of DATEX II becomes available. Especially the European scale, harmonisation and alignment with adjoining (service specific) domains will be beneficial to you becoming compliant with the EU regulations. This session will show you how and demonstrate that engagement in the EU DATEX II community will support your aims with regard to digital services on a substantial scale! more


Align with European Regulations - Local Actions for Future Mobility

Discover how DATEX II can assist you in implementing requirements from the delegated regulations using minimum European profiles


Learn how other developers found the key to DATEX II

Experts will show you how to write code in DATEX II


Work in Home Teams & String Board

In your home team with about 4 other participants, you will discuss the Key for Future Mobility. What are the challenges DATEX II faces? What is needed for further standardisation? How can we organise ourselves as a community? You will do this in different sessions during the User Forum. Your suggestions and insights will be captured by physically attaching strings on a giant data board. And all this will lead to the ‘Declaration of Bucharest’.  


Door opens


Workshops round 3 (3 sessions + coffee)

Secure your digital key: cybersecurity & trust for executives

Experts will explain why cybersecurity and trust are important


Hands-on model-making and profiling

Workshop leader: Ian Cornwell

Please bring your computer if possible. Ian will explain the workflow for extending and profiling the DATEX II UML model,

then in pairs or small groups we will perform the workflow on our computers. Starting with the DATEX II UML model, you will learn how to select the things that you need for your DATEX II services, and how to create compliant and interoperable extensions for your specific local needs. You will learn how to use the DATEX II schema wizard to produce profiled schemas that can be used in your services or specifications. more


Building the Future: A Hands-On Journey Through DATEX II

Workshop leader: Jonas Jäderberg

In this workshop, we will engage in hands-on coding to build a simple DATEX II server and client.

We will go through the steps from beginning to end, focusing on key aspects from a DATEX II developer’s perspective. Participants will work in groups. Please bring your laptop and ensure you have a GitHub account that allows you to create Codespaces (all free accounts have this feature). more


Work in Home Teams and String Board

In your home team with about 4 other participants, you will discuss the Key for Future Mobility. What are the challenges DATEX II faces? What is needed for further standardisation? How can we organise ourselves as a community? You will do this in different sessions during the User Forum. Your suggestions and insights will be captured by physically attaching strings on a giant data board. And all this will lead to the ‘Declaration of Bucharest’.  


Workshops round 4 (3 sessions)

In your home team with about 4 other participants, you will discuss the Key for Future Mobility. What are the challenges DATEX II faces? What is needed for further standardisation? How can we organise ourselves as a community? You will do this in different sessions during the User Forum. Your suggestions and insights will be captured by physically attaching strings on a giant data board. And all this will lead to the ‘Declaration of Bucharest’.  

Creating a trustworthy digital framework for the traffic rules and regulations of the road.

Workshop leaders: Paal Aaserud and Kjersti Leiren Boag
Speaker: Bard de Vries

Create awareness and understanding of management of traffic regulations (METR)

in an interactive way through group discussions touching topics like interoperability, machine readable dissemination and security. more


TN-ITS Deployment and Quality

Examples of current implementations and a look forward


Exploring new technology options: OpenAPI and JSON

Workshop leader: Ian Cornwell
Jonas Jäderberg will co-lead this workshop

Ian and Jonas will describe the support for JSON and OpenAPI which is now built into the DATEX II tool set,

then in pairs or small groups we will generate code on our computers. We will show how to generate JSON schemas using the DATEX II schema wizard, and we will look inside those schemas to see the kinds of constructs produced. We will take the JSON schema content and add further information to produce the definition of an API, using OpenAPI. We will then use popular code generation tools to generate code that can be used in a service. We will cover Java, C#, and Python, depending on participants’ experience. Please bring your computer, if possible, with your preferred programming environment, and ideally install OpenAPI-generator which we will run in the session. more


Coffee break

Work in Home Teams and String Board

Closing of the day


Door opens


Work in Home Teams and String Board

In your home team with about 4 other participants, you will discuss the Key for Future Mobility. What are the challenges DATEX II faces? What is needed for further standardisation? How can we organise ourselves as a community? You will do this in different sessions during the User Forum. Your suggestions and insights will be captured by physically attaching strings on a giant data board. And all this will lead to the ‘Declaration of Bucharest’.  

Coffee break

Workshops round 5 (2 sessions)

Strategic Data: The Role of NAP-Centric Ecosystems in Future Mobility

An insight to the future relations between NAPs, C-ITS and the European Mobility Data Space


Exploring the future of DATEX II

Workshop leader: Jörg Freudenstein
The workshop is done together with Ian, Paal and Jonas

We will present planned and envisaged methodologies and features of DATEX II,

and the participants are engaged to bring in their own ideas for the future development. On a practical technical example, we will show some planned possibilities of the DATEX II version 4 methodology like Entities and APIs. Filtering requests will be served by a test server, so that participants can re-enact at home. more


Closing plenary


Closing of the day - END

Workshop Coordinators

Jörg Freudenstein

Jörg Freudenstein from Germany is working for more than 10 years in the standardisation and maintenance of DATEX II and even longer in the field of (C-)ITS. He is also involved in the technical support of the German NAP Mobilithek. He loves to play boardgames during long weekends.

Ian Cornwell

Ian Cornwell from Mott MacDonald has represented UK in DATEX II developments since 2013 on behalf of England’s National Highways and collaborated technically with the DATEX II community since its inception. He participated in the birth of Model Driven Architecture at the OMG in 2001. He leads Mott MacDonald’s software development community globally, and still enjoys programming in Java when he gets the chance. He has a PhD applying AI, and is a Fellow of BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT.

Kjersti Leiren Boag

Kjersti Leiren Boag is a Senior Adviser for ITS in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. From 2010 to 2021 she was project manager and responsible for the deployment of DATEX II in Norway. She is currently project manager for METR in Norway and is also a member of NAPCORE 4.1. Kjersti is a keen mountain skier and a qualified 6th Dan Karate instructor.

Paal Aaserud

Paal Aaserud has worked with automation and control in motorway control and tunnel systems, specialising in traffic management since 2008. Is currently an advisor and architect for the Norwegian Public Road Administration (NPRA) and are working on behalf of NPRA with the DATEX-standard in the EU project NAPCORE and CEN TC278/WG8. Paal loves playing flight simulator in real-time and enjoys off-piste skiing.

Jan Vlčinský - TamTam Research s.r.o.

Jan constantly searches for ways to make traffic information exchange and distribution an easy experience for everyone. He has led the development of such systems since 2000, with a recent focus on standardisation (DATEX II), quality evaluation, and monitoring. In his free time, Jan enjoys talking to strangers (mostly on trains) and moderating groups, which often feels like the same thing!

Jonas Jäderberg

Jonas Jäderberg is an IT architect and developer from Sweden with over 20 years of experience in DATEX II. Passionate about solving IT problems and finding innovative solutions, Jonas also enjoys skiing, both cross-country and Telemark.

Renan Perrot

Renan has started his career in the ecological French ministry in the field of water policing before joining Cerema, a French public establishment, where he was in charge on road safety and traffic data collection studies, before moving on to the ITS field in the end of 2020. Renan began by joining DATEX II team during the PSA-DATEX II project, followed by multiple European and national projects as FENIX, C-ROADS, InDiD or NAPCORE. And for the last 15 months, Renan’s greatest joy in life has been looking after his daughter.

Nicolas Marcon

Nicolas joined the Ministry of Ecology in 2003. For almost 20 years, he worked in the IT field on crisis management and road transport projects, specialising in project management. Nicolas was involved in the French road transport information system and the European ERRU project (European Register of Road Transport Undertakings). In July 2023, he joined Cerema's Mobility Department in Aix-en-Provence as ITS and Information System Manager. Nicolas started these new missions by working on the NAPCORE-DATEX II project and the eFTI project (electronic Freight Transport Information).

Frequently Asked Questions

Door opens and registration

Work in Home Teams & String Board

In your home team with about 4 other participants, you will discuss the Key for Future Mobility. What are the challenges DATEX II faces? What is needed for further standardisation? How can we organise ourselves as a community? You will do this in different sessions during the User Forum. Your suggestions and insights will be captured by physically attaching strings on a giant data board. And all this will lead to the ‘Declaration of Bucharest’.  

Keynote and panel discussion

Work in Home Teams & String Board

In your home team with about 4 other participants, you will discuss the Key for Future Mobility. What are the challenges DATEX II faces? What is needed for further standardisation? How can we organise ourselves as a community? You will do this in different sessions during the User Forum. Your suggestions and insights will be captured by physically attaching strings on a giant data board. And all this will lead to the ‘Declaration of Bucharest’.  


Workshops round 1 (3 sessions)

DATEX@NAPs: Lessons Learned from Consuming DATEX II from NAPs Across Europe

Workshop leader: Jan Vlčinský

DATEX@NAPs is like an extensive travel journal documenting our journey across all EU countries and their NAPs.

Consumers will find links to NAPs, XML samples and schemas, audited protocols, and other technical resources. Providers will discover a rich set of hints and best practices, while their managers will receive a checklist and requirements to help their staff become even better data providers. DATEX@NAPs is a study conducted by TamTam Research s.r.o. (Czechia) and CERTH (Greece). more


Unlocking DATEX II - Shocked self-training for beginners

Workshop leaders: Renan Perrot
Nicolas Marcon will participate the session with Renan.

If you know little or nothing about DATEX II, come and learn for yourself under our supervision

and you will be ready for life. As Confucius probably said: “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. more


Coffee break

Workshops round 2 (3 sessions)

DATEX II: the strategic asset for your future mobility

Workshop leader: Bard de Vries

DATEX II is the reference data standard in the EU for road traffic and travel information. To harvest the benefits of

digitalization in your domain using DATEX II is a good first step, but engaging in the further development is an important follow up. Once you consider DATEX II as a strategic building block to achieve your policy aims with regard to traffic management, public space operations, EV-charging and parking operations, the full power of DATEX II becomes available. Especially the European scale, harmonisation and alignment with adjoining (service specific) domains will be beneficial to you becoming compliant with the EU regulations. This session will show you how and demonstrate that engagement in the EU DATEX II community will support your aims with regard to digital services on a substantial scale! more


Align with European Regulations - Local Actions for Future Mobility

Discover how DATEX II can assist you in implementing requirements from the delegated regulations using minimum European profiles


Learn how other developers found the key to DATEX II

Experts will show you how to write code in DATEX II


Work in Home Teams & String Board

In your home team with about 4 other participants, you will discuss the Key for Future Mobility. What are the challenges DATEX II faces? What is needed for further standardisation? How can we organise ourselves as a community? You will do this in different sessions during the User Forum. Your suggestions and insights will be captured by physically attaching strings on a giant data board. And all this will lead to the ‘Declaration of Bucharest’.  


Door opens and registration

Work in Home Teams & String Board

In your home team with about 4 other participants, you will discuss the Key for Future Mobility. What are the challenges DATEX II faces? What is needed for further standardisation? How can we organise ourselves as a community? You will do this in different sessions during the User Forum. Your suggestions and insights will be captured by physically attaching strings on a giant data board. And all this will lead to the ‘Declaration of Bucharest’.  

Keynote and panel discussion

Work in Home Teams & String Board

In your home team with about 4 other participants, you will discuss the Key for Future Mobility. What are the challenges DATEX II faces? What is needed for further standardisation? How can we organise ourselves as a community? You will do this in different sessions during the User Forum. Your suggestions and insights will be captured by physically attaching strings on a giant data board. And all this will lead to the ‘Declaration of Bucharest’.  


Workshops round 1 (3 sessions)

DATEX@NAPs: Lessons Learned from Consuming DATEX II from NAPs Across Europe

Workshop leader: Jan Vlčinský

DATEX@NAPs is like an extensive travel journal documenting our journey across all EU countries and their NAPs.

Consumers will find links to NAPs, XML samples and schemas, audited protocols, and other technical resources. Providers will discover a rich set of hints and best practices, while their managers will receive a checklist and requirements to help their staff become even better data providers. DATEX@NAPs is a study conducted by TamTam Research s.r.o. (Czechia) and CERTH (Greece). more


Unlocking DATEX II - Shocked self-training for beginners

Workshop leaders: Renan Perrot
Nicolas Marcon will participate the session with Renan.

If you know little or nothing about DATEX II, come and learn for yourself under our supervision

and you will be ready for life. As Confucius probably said: “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. more


Coffee break

Workshops round 2 (3 sessions)

DATEX II: the strategic asset for your future mobility

Workshop leader: Bard de Vries

DATEX II is the reference data standard in the EU for road traffic and travel information. To harvest the benefits of

digitalization in your domain using DATEX II is a good first step, but engaging in the further development is an important follow up. Once you consider DATEX II as a strategic building block to achieve your policy aims with regard to traffic management, public space operations, EV-charging and parking operations, the full power of DATEX II becomes available. Especially the European scale, harmonisation and alignment with adjoining (service specific) domains will be beneficial to you becoming compliant with the EU regulations. This session will show you how and demonstrate that engagement in the EU DATEX II community will support your aims with regard to digital services on a substantial scale! more


Align with European Regulations - Local Actions for Future Mobility

Discover how DATEX II can assist you in implementing requirements from the delegated regulations using minimum European profiles


Learn how other developers found the key to DATEX II

Experts will show you how to write code in DATEX II


Work in Home Teams & String Board

In your home team with about 4 other participants, you will discuss the Key for Future Mobility. What are the challenges DATEX II faces? What is needed for further standardisation? How can we organise ourselves as a community? You will do this in different sessions during the User Forum. Your suggestions and insights will be captured by physically attaching strings on a giant data board. And all this will lead to the ‘Declaration of Bucharest’.  


Door opens and registration

Work in Home Teams & String Board

In your home team with about 4 other participants, you will discuss the Key for Future Mobility. What are the challenges DATEX II faces? What is needed for further standardisation? How can we organise ourselves as a community? You will do this in different sessions during the User Forum. Your suggestions and insights will be captured by physically attaching strings on a giant data board. And all this will lead to the ‘Declaration of Bucharest’.  

Keynote and panel discussion

Work in Home Teams & String Board

In your home team with about 4 other participants, you will discuss the Key for Future Mobility. What are the challenges DATEX II faces? What is needed for further standardisation? How can we organise ourselves as a community? You will do this in different sessions during the User Forum. Your suggestions and insights will be captured by physically attaching strings on a giant data board. And all this will lead to the ‘Declaration of Bucharest’.  


Workshops round 1 (3 sessions)

DATEX@NAPs: Lessons Learned from Consuming DATEX II from NAPs Across Europe

Workshop leader: Jan Vlčinský

DATEX@NAPs is like an extensive travel journal documenting our journey across all EU countries and their NAPs.

Consumers will find links to NAPs, XML samples and schemas, audited protocols, and other technical resources. Providers will discover a rich set of hints and best practices, while their managers will receive a checklist and requirements to help their staff become even better data providers. DATEX@NAPs is a study conducted by TamTam Research s.r.o. (Czechia) and CERTH (Greece). more


Unlocking DATEX II - Shocked self-training for beginners

Workshop leaders: Renan Perrot
Nicolas Marcon will participate the session with Renan.

If you know little or nothing about DATEX II, come and learn for yourself under our supervision

and you will be ready for life. As Confucius probably said: “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. more


Coffee break

Workshops round 2 (3 sessions)

DATEX II: the strategic asset for your future mobility

Workshop leader: Bard de Vries

DATEX II is the reference data standard in the EU for road traffic and travel information. To harvest the benefits of

digitalization in your domain using DATEX II is a good first step, but engaging in the further development is an important follow up. Once you consider DATEX II as a strategic building block to achieve your policy aims with regard to traffic management, public space operations, EV-charging and parking operations, the full power of DATEX II becomes available. Especially the European scale, harmonisation and alignment with adjoining (service specific) domains will be beneficial to you becoming compliant with the EU regulations. This session will show you how and demonstrate that engagement in the EU DATEX II community will support your aims with regard to digital services on a substantial scale! more


Align with European Regulations - Local Actions for Future Mobility

Discover how DATEX II can assist you in implementing requirements from the delegated regulations using minimum European profiles


Learn how other developers found the key to DATEX II

Experts will show you how to write code in DATEX II


Work in Home Teams & String Board

In your home team with about 4 other participants, you will discuss the Key for Future Mobility. What are the challenges DATEX II faces? What is needed for further standardisation? How can we organise ourselves as a community? You will do this in different sessions during the User Forum. Your suggestions and insights will be captured by physically attaching strings on a giant data board. And all this will lead to the ‘Declaration of Bucharest’.  
